Dennis goes swimming. 

Picture: Geoff saying

Letter sounds.

Some words in this story have similar groups of letters that make different sounds.

The groups of letters to look for are US.

You will see these letters in the word BUS, where the two letters together sound like 'us', and BUSY where the two letters together sound like 'iz'.

Try saying these two words and look out for them in the story.

Use your phonics grid to help you with any other words in the story that you do not know. 

All drawings featuring the Sunnydown Buses are copyright (c) Ray Arber 2000 - 2013 all rights reserved.

All stories and text throughout this site are copyright (c) Ray Arber 2000 - 2013 all rights reserved unless stated otherwise.
Sunnydown theme tune copyright (c) Garfield Mayor 2000.

Legal stuff.